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Can You Wear A Gopro On A Motorcycle Helmet? (Real Answer)

Can You Wear A Gopro On A Motorcycle Helmet

Absolutely, “Can you wear a GoPro on a motorcycle helmet?” This is a question many motorcyclists frequently ask themselves.

Yes, you can wear a GoPro on a motorcycle helmet. As technology improves, it’s becoming more common for riders to want to document their journey on the open road. But, before strapping a GoPro onto your helmet, it’s essential to consider safety regulations and considerations.

However, this blog post explores the feasibility of mounting a GoPro on a motorcycle helmet. I am also discussing legal considerations, safety, and the best ways to attach your camera for optimal footage.

Can You Wear A GoPro On A Motorcycle Helmet?

Wearing A GoPro On A Motorcycle Helmet
Wearing A GoPro On A Motorcycle Helmet

Yes, you can wear a GoPro on a motorcycle helmet. Many riders do this to record their rides, document travels, or capture exciting moments on the road.

Yet, you should be aware of several considerations:


Helmet mount laws can vary by location. Some places have regulations against helmet modifications, which may include mounting a camera. Ensure to review local and state laws in your area.


Mounting a camera on your helmet can affect its integrity and ability to protect your head in a crash. Thus, it’s crucial to mount the camera.

Some recommend using a sticky mount on the top of the helmet or a chin mount, which can break away more efficiently in a crash than bolt-on mounts.

Helmet Warranty

Some helmet manufacturers might void your warranty if you change the helmet, including sticking on a camera mount.

Mounting and Angle

The position of your GoPro will affect the kind of footage you get. A chin mount can provide a POV close to what you see on the ride, while a side mount may provide an off-center POV (point of view). Especially in a leaned-forward riding position, a top mount can show too much sky.


Ensure that operating the camera doesn’t distract you from driving safely.

To ensure your helmet’s safety and effectiveness, consult the manufacturer’s instructions.

Is It Legal To Wear A Gopro On Your Motorcycle Helmet?

Is It Legal To Wear A Gopro On Your Motorcycle Helmet
Is It Legal To Wear A Gopro On Your Motorcycle Helmet

The legality of mounting a GoPro or other cameras on your motorcycle helmet depends on the laws and regulations in your specific jurisdiction. And these rules may differ from one place to another. Connecting a camera to a helmet is legal in many places. However, in some jurisdictions, this could be illegal.

For example:

In the United States, there’s no federal law that prohibits it, but each state may have specific rules about helmet modifications. Before riding, verify the state’s laws.

Using a helmet-mounted camera in the UK is generally legal, but the footage could be used against you in court if it shows you violating traffic laws.

In Australia, Victoria and New South Wales prohibit attaching anything that could weaken a helmet.

The best advice is to consult local law enforcement or a legal professional. The crucial aspect is that helmets are designed to protect the rider’s head in an accident.

Use helmet-specific mounts and avoid drilling holes or making other permanent helmet alterations. Always use the camera responsibly and ensure it does not distract you from safe riding.

Where is the best place to mount a GoPro on a motorcycle helmet?

Mounting a GoPro or any other action camera on a motorcycle helmet depends on what perspective you’re aiming for, aerodynamics, safety considerations, and local legal regulations. Here are some common mounting locations, along with their pros and cons:

Top of the Helmet (Crown)

Pros: Offers a higher vantage point that captures a broad view of the surroundings. However, this view is closest to the rider’s perspective.

Cons: It might create more wind resistance and noise. In addition, it can feel top-heavy or shift helmet balance. Also, it might not capture the dashboard or the handlebars.

Side of the Helmet

Pros: Provides a good view of surroundings, including some parts of the rider (shoulder, arm). Side mounts can be adjusted to face forward or to the side for a profile view.

Cons: It might slightly affect aerodynamics or create wind noise on the mounted side. Also, it can alter the balance of the helmet.

Chin of the Helmet

Pros: Offers a clear, unobstructed forward view, closest to what the rider sees. Captures the motorcycle’s handlebars and dashboard. Often considered the most aerodynamic position.

Cons: Not all helmets have a suitable chin surface for mounting. Some helmets may obstruct vents or features.

Back of the Helmet

Pros: Great for capturing footage of riders or scenery behind you. Also, it can be attractive for group rides.

Cons: You can’t easily see if the camera is working or adjust it while riding.

Off-Helmet Mounts

Some riders prefer mounting their cameras directly on the motorcycle, such as on the handlebars, frame, or windshield.

Pros: Reduces weight on the helmet often provides steadier footage since the motorcycle’s mass absorbs more vibration.

Cons: The fixed position means the camera doesn’t turn with the rider’s head, potentially missing some action.

Safety Considerations:

  • Ensure the mount is secure to prevent the camera from detaching during a ride or in the event of a crash.
  • Avoid any mounts or attachment methods that might compromise helmet integrity or safety.
  • Remember, in the event of an accident, any protrusions from the helmet can affect how the helmet performs. Ideally, mounts should break away cleanly under force.
  • Check local laws and regulations. Some jurisdictions may have rules against helmet attachments.


  • Clean the mounting area thoroughly before attaching adhesive mounts.
  • Use tethering as an additional safety measure to ensure the camera is not lost if the primary mount fails.
  • Frequently check the tightness and condition of mounts, especially after long rides or rough conditions.

The “best” place often depends on personal preference and the specific footage you want to capture. Experiment with different positions to find what works best for your needs.

How To Attach Gopro To Motorcycle Helmet?

How To Attach Gopro To Motorcycle Helmet
How To Attach Gopro To Motorcycle Helmet

If you love to ride your motorcycle and want to capture every moment of your ride, then wearing a GoPro on your helmet is a great option. The GoPro can help capture your entire journey and make your ride more thrilling.

But the biggest question is how to attach the GoPro to your helmet so it doesn’t come off during the ride. Here’s how:

Step 1: Choose The Right Location

Choosing the right spot to mount your GoPro on your motorcycle helmet. Ideally, opting for a flat surface free of obstructions like a visor or a vent would be best. You can also consider the following spots:

  • The top of the helmet
  • The chin area
  • The side of the helmet
  • The back of the helmet

Step 2: Get A Mounting Bracket

Once you’ve decided on the location, you need to get a suitable mounting bracket that’s compatible with your GoPro model. You can purchase a universal mounting bracket or a specific one designed for your bike helmet.

Step 3: Clean The Surface

Before attaching the mounting bracket, make sure that you clean the surface with a microfiber cloth. Any dirt or dust particles can prevent the adhesive from sticking correctly. And the bracket may come off during the ride.

Step 4: Attach The Mounting Bracket

After cleaning the surface, you can attach the mounting bracket to your helmet. Most mounting brackets have adhesive backings that you can stick to the helmet. Ensure that the bracket is level and straight before applying too much pressure.

Step 5: Attach GoPro To The Mounting Bracket

Once the mounting bracket is securely fixed, it’s time to mount your GoPro. First, screw the mounting buckle onto the Gopro and attach it to the mounting bracket. Ensure that it’s tightly secured and doesn’t wobble.

You may attach your GoPro to your motorcycle helmet and capture all the amazing moments of your trip using the above instructions. Always check the mounting bracket before every ride and ensure it’s securely fixed.

Enjoy the ride.

The BEST Gopro Motorcycle Helmet Setup

Check out the best GoPro motorcycle helmet setup by watching the video.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Wearing A GoPro On A Motorcycle Helmet

Wearing a GoPro on a motorcycle helmet can enormously improve your riding experience. However, it’s essential to evaluate both the advantages and disadvantages before making a decision.

Advantages Of Wearing A GoPro On A Motorcycle Helmet:

  • Provides hands-free recording while riding.
  • It offers a great angle to capture breathtaking views from the rider’s perspective.
  • Ideal for documenting road trips with friends.
  • A fantastic way to keep an eye on other riders behind you.

Disadvantages Of Wearing A GoPro On A Motorcycle Helmet:

  • Risks creating a blind spot on the helmet.
  • Some states and countries might not let you do it.
  • It can cause additional weight on the helmet leading to discomfort while riding.
  • It may obstruct the communication between the rider and the passenger.

So, we need to note that the legalities of mounting a Gopro on a motorcycle helmet can vary from state to state and country to country. Researching local laws before attaching the camera to your helmet is critical.

Wearing a GoPro on a motorcycle helmet is a personal choice. Yet, you must obey the laws in your area and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for a secure fit. So, go ahead and capture those scenic views and thrilling rides and share your experiences with the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will a GoPro on My Helmet Impact My Safety?

The impact on safety can depend on the method of attachment and helmet design. In some cases, protrusions from helmets (like a camera) can increase the risk of injury in an accident. It is crucial to mount the GoPro, ideally using a breakaway mount designed to detach in case of a collision.

Will Wearing A Gopro On A Helmet Obstruct Your Vision?

Gopro must be installed on the helmet properly to avoid obstruction. Mount it on the side of the helmet and not on the centre to avoid blocking your vision.

You can protect your eyes from dust and debris by wearing glasses. We have another details article about How To Wear Full Face Helmet With Glasses.

Will the weight of a GoPro affect my comfort while riding?

Most GoPro cameras are lightweight, so they should not significantly affect comfort. However, some riders may notice a difference depending on the mounting location. Any discomfort should decrease as you get used to the new weight distribution.

Is It Safe To Wear A Mounted Gopro On A Motorcycle Helmet?

By properly installing the gopro onto the helmet, it can be safe. But, if installed incorrectly, it may cause injury or harm.

Final Thoughts

After examining the GoPro motorcycle helmet facts, it’s evident that this is a safe and popular way to capture unforgettable motorcycling moments. You may record your trip safely by choosing a good mount and following some safety rules.

Always ensure that your attention remains on the road ahead while wearing a gopro and that you use it responsibly and legally. In addition, it is crucial to appreciate the value of safety and prioritize it above any other consideration.

I hope you are clear on your question about “Can you wear a GoPro on a motorcycle helmet?” With the right equipment, you may capture stunning and entertaining films of your unique riding experience.

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