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How To Carry An Extra Helmet On A Motorcycle?

How To Carry An Extra Helmet On A Motorcycle

People who ride motorcycles often with passengers or want to bring an extra helmet for safety often want to know how to carry an extra helmet on a motorcycle. 

To carry an extra helmet on a motorcycle, consider using a helmet lock, attaching it to a backpack, or utilizing a helmet-carrying strap. Carrying an extra helmet can be challenging, as it’s bulky and difficult to store on the bike.

But with the right gear and some planning, you can carry an extra helmet safely and firmly on a motorcycle. In this blog post, I’ll discuss some of the best ways to carry an extra helmet on a motorcycle.

I’ll also share these ways’ pros and cons so that you can easily understand which method is best for you. So, let’s get started.

How To Carry An Extra Helmet On A Motorcycle?

How To Carry A Passenger Helmet On A Motorcycle

When riding a motorcycle, you must bring an extra helmet if you have a passenger or need to switch helmets. There are many ways to carry an extra helmet, each with pros and cons.

Here are ten ways you can carry an extra helmet on a motorcycle:

Helmet Lock

Some bikes have a helmet lock that can be used to keep the helmet attached to the bike. Another option is to buy a helmet lock and put it on the motorcycle.


  1. It makes it easy and safe to carry your helmet when you’re not racing.
  2. No more taking your helmet by hand or putting it in a bag.
  3. It helps keep your helmet from getting stolen by attaching it to your bike.



A backpack is a convenient way to carry a second hat. It can be placed on the rider’s back so the helmet is easy to get to when needed.


  1. It makes carrying a hat easy and frees up your hands.
  2. A backpack also be used to carry personal items or other stuff.
  3. It helps keep the helmet from getting scratched or broken when unused.
  4. Compared to carrying a hat by hand, this can improve ventilation and reduce sweat buildup.


  • It might not be as safe as bringing a helmet by hand or, in a case, made just for that.
  • Especially if the helmet is oversized or heavy, it can make the bag heavier and less comfortable.

Bungee Cords

You can tie the helmet to the motorcycle with bungee cords. They can be wrapped around the helmet and fastened to the bike’s frame or other safe spots.


  • Simple to use and change
  • Inexpensive
  • Easy to carry and not too heavy
  • Can keep caps in place on many different surfaces


  • It can harm a helmet or scratch surfaces.
  • It might not be as safe as other ways to carry a helmet, like a specialized helmet holder.
  • They can be hard to lock if you haven’t been taught how to use them.

Luggage Rack

Luggage Rack
Luggage Rack

A luggage rack can be attached to the back of the motorcycle to give it more storage room. It can be used to carry things like a hat and other things.


  1. It offers a handy place to keep helmets when they are not being used.
  2. Gives the motorcycle’s storage sections or saddlebags more room.
  3. It can be put on most motorcycles easily.
  4. Some types have mechanisms that can be locked to stop theft.
  5. Keeps the helmet from getting damaged while it’s being moved.


  • It can make the motorcycle heavier, which can affect how it handles and how well it runs.
  • Luggage ruck can worsen wind resistance, affecting how well the fuel is used.
  • It may not work for caps that are bigger or heavier.

Tank Bag

A tank bag is a small bag that fits on the motorcycle’s gas tank. It’s an excellent way to take one helmet and a few other small things.


  1. Gives you a safe place to store your helmet when you’re not using it.
  2. It makes getting to your helmet easy, especially when you’re stopped or taking a short break.
  3. It can be put on and taken off the motorbike easily.
  4. Small things like keys, wallets, or phones might be able to fit in an extra room.


  • It may add more weight to the bike, changing how it handles and how stable it is.
  • That may make it hard for the rider to see the instruments or the road ahead.
  • If it is not locked correctly, it could be stolen.


Saddlebags are bags that go on the sides of a motorcycle and hold things. They come in different sizes and can carry things like hats and other items.


  1. The easy way for a motorbike to carry a helmet.
  2. Holds the helmet in place and keeps it from getting damaged.
  3. You can make more room in a rucksack or other bag you carry
  4. They can be easily taken off the motorbike and carried on their own.
  5. Some saddlebags have extra room to hold other things.


  • It can make the motorbike heavier, which can affect how it handles and how well it runs.
  • It might not work with all helmets or bikes.
  • Some saddlebags may not be waterproof, which could let rain or other elements get into the hat.

Side Panniers

Side panniers are big bags that can be locked and attached to a motorbike’s sides. They have enough room to hold many things, like an extra helmet.


  1. Gives helmets a safe and handy place to be stored.
  2. Gives you more place to carry other things while riding.
  3. When not needed, it is easy to take off.
  4. Keeps helmets from getting damaged by crashes or bad weather.


  • This makes the motorcycle wider, making it harder to move through tight areas.
  • It can hinder the rider’s view or make it hard for them to move.
  • It might not be suitable for all bikes or ways of riding.

A Cargo Net For Motorcycles Helmet

The helmet can be kept on the motorcycle with a cargo net. It can be thrown over the seat and tied to the bike’s frame or other vital places.


  • It makes it easy and valuable to move helmets.
  • Helps keep the helmet from breaking by holding it firmly in place.
  • Saves space by taking up less room in your hands or bag.
  • It can be put on and taken off the motorcycle quickly.


  • Some luggage nets might not be strong enough to safely hold helmets that are too heavy.
  • If cargo nets are not fastened properly, they could obstruct the rider’s sight or movement.
  • If the helmet is not locked down properly or is left unsupervised, it could fall off or be stolen.

Helmet Bag

A motorcycle helmet bag is a case made to carry and protect a helmet. It can be kept on the bike with bungee cords, in a backpack, or in a backpack or top box.


  1. It can be used to keep the helmet safe when transporting it.
  2. Simple to carry
  3. Inexpensive


  • The helmet may not be fastened to the bike.
  • It can be hard to carry while riding.
  • May need more space for storage

Passenger Seat

 If the motorbike has a seat for a passenger, you can put the extra helmet on the seat and tie it down with a bungee cord or cargo net. That is an excellent way to travel for short trips or when you are by yourself.


  1. The helmet is fastened well
  2. Simple to use
  3. Easy for people who are riding with a friend


  • It may not work for all motorcycles, making it hard for the person to move or see.
  • You may need extra tools for mounting.

Overall, both the pros and cons of each method are different. It’s important to pick a method that fits the rider’s wants and the type of motorcycle they have.

Why Should We Carry An Extra Helmet?

Why Should We Carry An Extra Helmet
Why Should We Carry An Extra Helmet

As motorcyclists, we always put our safety first. A helmet is one of the most important things we need to wear. In case of an accident, it keeps our heads from getting hurt. Have you considered taking a second helmet?

Now, I will discuss why we should carry an extra helmet and give real-life cases.

Safety for a passenger

The safety of our passengers is one of the main reasons we should take an extra helmet. As a rider, we must ensure our partner wears a helmet.

Let’s say we want to ride with a friend who doesn’t have a helmet. If that happens, we can give them the extra helmet we have with us to keep them safe.

Example: One of my friends wanted to try out what riding a motorbike is like. Since I had a spare hat, I let him use it. We took a ride, and he had a lot of fun. I was glad I had a spare helmet to ensure his safety.

Unexpected situations

We never know when something out of the ordinary will happen. While we’re on the road, our helmets could get broken or lost. We wouldn’t be in this kind of trouble if we had an extra hat.

Example: I was on a long ride when the visor on my helmet quickly broke. I couldn’t keep riding without a visor, and there wasn’t a motorbike shop close by where I could buy one. I was lucky to have an extra helmet to keep riding without any problems.

Helping others

Having a spare helmet can also help other people. We might meet a rider who doesn’t have a helmet and can use our extra one. Even if small, it can make a big difference in someone’s safety.

Real-life example: I was riding on the highway when I saw a rider on the side of the road with a broken helmet. He tried to fix it but didn’t have the right tools for the job. I gave him my extra hat, which he was glad to get. He could keep riding safely because I had brought an extra helmet.

What Should I Consider When Choosing an Extra Helmet?

What Should I Consider When Choosing an Extra Helmet
What Should I Consider When Choosing an Extra Helmet

A few important things to consider when picking up an extra helmet. Here are some of the most important things to remember:

Safety Standards

Safety certification is one of the most important things to consider when picking a helmet. Look for helmets that meet safety guidelines set by the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Snell Memorial Foundation, or the ECE 22.05 standard of the European Union.


A helmet that fits right is vital for comfort and safety. Measure your head and try on helmets to ensure they fit well and won’t move or shift while you’re going.


A variety of helmet styles are offered, from full-face to half-shell. Think about the riding you’ll do and pick a helmet that fits your wants and tastes.


Having enough ventilation while riding can help you stay cool and relaxed. Look for helmets with lots of airflow and holes to help keep your head cool.


Helmets can range in price from reasonable to very expensive. Determine your budget and look for a helmet that offers good value for the money.

Brand Reputation

Look for helmets from well-known and reputable brands with a history of making high-quality and reliable products.

Some helmets include Bluetooth, sun visors, or covers that prevent fog from forming. Think about these traits, if they matter to you, and how you ride.

Final Words

In conclusion, knowing how to carry an extra helmet on a motorcycle can come in handy in various situations, such as when riding with a passenger or when you need to transport an additional helmet for a friend.

While there are different methods to achieve this, it’s essential to prioritize safety and ensure the helmet is securely fastened to avoid accidents or damage. From using a helmet lock to investing in a storage box or bag, you can choose a solution that suits your needs and preferences.

I hope you cleared how to carry an extra helmet on a motorcycle. Following the tips outlined in this guide, you can confidently carry an extra helmet on your motorcycle and enjoy a safe and comfortable ride with your fellow riders. Remember, safety comes first.

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