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By Rouen Christopher Home » How to Easily Install Intercom in Motorcycle Helmet? A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Easily Install Intercom in Motorcycle Helmet? A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Install Intercom in Motorcycle Helmet

Staying connected while riding is vital. Installing a helmet intercom enables communication and calls, enhancing your ride during trips with friends or daily commutes.. So, knowing how to install intercom in motorcycle helmet is vital.

To put an intercom in your motorcycle helmet, follow these simple steps: First, place the speakers in the helmet. Then, securely attach the control unit. Connect them with the provided wires. Finally, test the system to make sure it works. With these steps, you can easily have clear communication while riding.

In this guide, we will provide you with clear instructions on how to install an intercom in your motorcycle helmet, ensuring that you can communicate effectively and safely while on the road.

How to Install Intercom in Motorcycle Helmet? Effective Ways

Install Intercom in Motorcycle Helmet

Want to install an intercom in your motorcycle helmet? Do not warry.

Here is shared the installation process, covering everything from preparation to finalizing the installation.

1. Gather Required Tools

To install an intercom in your motorcycle helmet, the first step is to gather all the necessary tools. Make sure you have everything you need to complete the installation process successfully.

List Of Tools Needed For Installation:

  • Screwdriver: A screwdriver must remove the helmet lining and attach the intercom components securely.
  • Helmet: Ensure you have your motorcycle helmet ready for installation.
  • Intercom Kit: Purchase an intercom kit that suits your requirements and helmet type.
  • Adhesive Velcro Strips: These strips will help you attach the speakers and microphone to the helmet lining.
  • Wire Cutters: Wire cutters are essential for trimming excess wiring and ensuring a clean installation.
  • Electrical Tape: Use electrical tape to secure and protect any exposed wires to prevent any electrical issues.
  • Zip Ties: Zip ties are handy for cable management and securing loose wires.
  • Helmet Cutter (Optional): If you want to achieve a more integrated look, a helmet cutter can be used to create custom recesses for intercom components.
  • Marker or Pen: Use a marker or pen to mark the areas where you plan to install the intercom components.
  • Alcohol Wipes: Use alcohol wipes to clean the helmet surface and ensure proper adhesion of Velcro strips.

2. Preparation

Before diving into the installation process, it’s crucial to prepare your helmet and gather all the necessary components. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Clean the helmet: Ensure that your helmet is free from dirt, dust, and any debris that may hinder the installation process.
  • Gather all components: Take inventory of all the intercom components, including the mounting plate, intercom unit, connectors, and wiring. Make sure everything is accounted for before proceeding.

3. Determine The Intercom Placement

Choosing the ideal location for your intercom is crucial for optimal functionality and comfort. Consider the following factors when deciding the placement:

  • Choose the ideal location: Determine which area of your helmet is most suitable for the intercom unit, ensuring it doesn’t obstruct your vision or impede the helmet’s safety features.
  • Factors to consider when deciding the placement: Consider factors such as ease of access, audio clarity, and minimizing wind interference.

4. Install The Intercom Mounting Plate

Attaching the mounting plate securely is essential for stable and long-lasting installation. Follow these tips for proper installation:

  • Attach the mounting plate securely: Use adhesive or screws, depending on the helmet’s design, to securely fasten the mounting plate to the chosen location.
  • Tips for proper installation: Ensure the mounting plate is firmly attached, double-check for any loose parts or potential weak points.

5. Connect The Intercom Unit

Connecting the intercom unit properly is crucial for seamless audio communication. Follow these step-by-step instructions:

  • Identify the required connectors: Refer to the intercom unit’s manual to identify the appropriate connectors and their corresponding functions.
  • Step-by-step connection process: Connect the wires from the intercom unit to the designated connectors, following the instructions provided. Take care to match the correct wires to avoid any issues during operation.

6. Test The Intercom System

Before hitting the road, it’s crucial to test the intercom system to ensure it functions as intended. Perform the following steps:

  • Perform a test run to ensure functionality: Activate the intercom system and test its audio quality and range by communicating with another rider or testing the connectivity with a smartphone.
  • Troubleshooting common issues: If you encounter any issues with sound quality or connectivity, refer to the troubleshooting section of the intercom unit’s manual for potential solutions.

7. Secure Wiring And Components

To prevent any potential hazards during your rides, it’s essential to secure all wiring and components correctly. Consider the following:

  • Securely fasten all wiring and components: Use zip ties or adhesive clips to secure the wiring along the helmet’s interior, ensuring they are not loose or exposed.
  • Prevent potential hazards during rides: Double-check all connections and make sure there are no loose or dangling wires that could interfere with your riding experience.

8. Finalize The Installation

Before embarking on your next adventure, take the time to finalize the installation for stability and safety. Follow these steps:

  • Double-check all connections and attachments: Ensure that all connections and components are securely fastened and in their designated positions.
  • Ensure stability and safety: Gently shake the helmet to check for any loose parts or movements. If everything feels stable, you’re ready to enjoy your new intercom system.

Additional Tips And Recommendations

To make the most of your intercom system in the long run, consider the following tips and recommendations:

  • Maintenance and care for the intercom system: Regularly clean the intercom unit and its components to prevent dust and debris buildup. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for specific maintenance guidelines.
  • Compatibility with different helmet types: Ensure that the intercom system is compatible with your specific helmet type. Some systems may require additional adaptors or modifications for a proper fit.

Installing an intercom system in your motorcycle helmet may seem complex. Still, by following this step-by-step guide, you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of seamless communication and audio connectivity during your rides.

Which Intercom Is Best To Install On The Helmet?

Choosing the best intercom to install on a helmet depends on your needs and preferences. There are several reputable intercom systems designed for motorcycle helmets and other outdoor activities.

Here are some popular options to consider:

1. Cardo Systems

Cardo is known for its reliable and feature-rich communication systems for motorcycle helmets. Their models, like the Cardo Packtalk and Cardo Freecom, offer Bluetooth connectivity, intercom communication with other riders, music streaming, and more.

2. Sena

Sena is another well-regarded brand in the motorcycle intercom market. Sena offers a wide range of models, such as the Sena 20S, Sena 30K, and Sena 50S, which provide high-quality audio, long-range intercom capabilities, and advanced features like voice control.

3. UCLEAR Digital

UCLEAR’s communication systems, like the UCLEAR Motion Series, are designed with clear sound quality and noise-cancelling technology for an improved communication experience while riding.

4. FreedConn

FreedConn offers affordable intercom systems, such as the FreedConn TCOM-SC and FreedConn T-MAX, which provide Bluetooth connectivity, intercom communication, and basic music streaming capabilities.

5. Schuberth SC1

If you have a Schuberth helmet, the Schuberth SC1 communication system is designed to integrate seamlessly with their helmets. It offers features like Bluetooth communication and smartphone connectivity.

When choosing an intercom for your helmet, consider the following factors:

  • Compatibility: Ensure the intercom system matches your helmet type and brand.
  • Range: Evaluate the intercom’s communication range to ensure it meets your needs, especially if you ride in groups.
  • Audio Quality: Look for intercoms with clear and crisp sound quality.
  • Battery Life: Check the battery life, as longer battery life can be crucial for extended rides.
  • Additional Features: Consider additional features like noise cancellation, voice commands, FM radio, and connecting to multiple devices.
  • Price: Intercom systems come in various prices, so choose one that fits your budget.
  • User Reviews: Read user reviews and seek recommendations from fellow riders to gauge real-world performance and satisfaction.

Are Helmet Intercoms Universal?

Helmet intercoms are devices for talking to others when riding bikes or motorcycles or doing activities like skiing. They can’t work with any helmet or intercom system because they aren’t universally compatible.

However, there are some standards and efforts to make helmet intercoms more interoperable.

Here are some key points to consider regarding the compatibility of helmet intercoms:

  1. Brand Compatibility: Most helmet intercom systems are designed and sold by specific manufacturers, and they are generally designed to work best with other products from the same brand. For example, a Sena intercom may work seamlessly with other Sena products but may not work as well or at all with intercoms from different brands.
  2. Bluetooth Compatibility: Many helmet intercoms use Bluetooth technology for wireless communication. Bluetooth is a widely adopted standard, so you can often pair devices from different manufacturers if they support the same Bluetooth profiles (e.g., Bluetooth 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 5.0). However, compatibility issues can still arise due to variations in Bluetooth implementations or software updates.
  3. Intercom Protocols: Some intercom systems use proprietary communication protocols in addition to or instead of Bluetooth. These proprietary protocols may not be compatible with other brands.
  4. Universal Adapters: Some companies produce universal adapters or accessories that can make it possible to connect intercoms from different brands. These adapters often come with limitations and may not offer the full functionality of the native intercom systems.
  5. Software Updates: Compatibility between helmet intercoms can be influenced by software updates. Manufacturers may release firmware updates to improve compatibility or add new features.
  6. Helmet Design: The design and layout of your helmet can also affect compatibility. Some helmets have built-in spaces or cutouts for intercom units, while others may not. Installing an intercom system in a helmet not designed for it can be challenging.
  7. Wired vs. Wireless: Some intercoms use wired connections, such as a 3.5mm audio jack, to connect to other devices. In these cases, compatibility depends on the audio input/output options available on your helmet and other devices.

To maximize compatibility, it’s essential to check the specifications and compatibility lists provided by the manufacturers of both the helmet and the intercom system you intend to use.

Additionally, reading user reviews and seeking advice from other riders with similar setups can help you determine whether specific combinations of helmet and intercom are likely to work well together.

Ultimately, while some helmet intercoms are designed to be more versatile and adaptable, they may still work best when used within a single brand’s ecosystem.

However, it’s crucial to research and ensure compatibility before purchasing to avoid any unexpected issues.

What Are The Benefits Of Helmet Intercom?

A helmet intercom system installed in your motorcycle helmet can offer several advantages. Here are some key benefits to consider:

Enhanced Communication

The helmet intercom allows seamless rider communication, making group rides safer and more enjoyable. Riders can easily communicate about road conditions, potential hazards, and stops without hand signals or shouting.

Increased Safety

With a helmet intercom, riders can stay connected and alert to their surroundings. They can warn each other about obstacles, keep track of each other’s positions, and quickly respond to any emergencies.

Hands-Free Operation

Helmet intercom systems are designed to be hands-free, allowing riders to keep their hands on the handlebars and focus on the road ahead. However, this ensures excellent safety and minimizes distractions.

Entertainment Options

Many helmet intercom systems come with built-in connectivity to phones and music devices, allowing riders to enjoy their favourite music or make phone calls while on the go. However, this adds more enjoyment and convenience to the riding experience.

GPS Navigation

Some helmet intercom systems also integrate GPS, providing turn-by-turn directions directly to the rider’s helmet. In addition, this eliminates the need for separate GPS devices and helps riders stay on track during their journeys.


Helmet intercom systems often offer customization options, allowing riders to adjust the sound quality, microphone sensitivity, and other settings according to their preferences. However, this ensures optimal performance and a personalized experience.

Easy Installation

Installing a helmet intercom system doesn’t require any special expertise. Most systems have clear instructions and can be easily mounted on different helmets. Moreover, this means you can have the system up and running quickly, without any hassle.


Helmet intercom systems are versatile and can be used in various helmet types, such as full-face helmets, open-face helmets, and modular helmets. So, this means you can enjoy the benefits of intercom communication regardless of your preferred helmet style.


While helmet intercom systems may require an initial investment, they are a cost-effective solution in the long run. Instead of purchasing separate communication devices or relying on expensive mobile data plans, a helmet intercom system provides a reliable, long-lasting communication solution.

Connectivity with Other Devices

Many helmet intercom systems are compatible with other devices, such as radar detectors, action cameras, and bike-to-bike communication systems. However, this allows riders to integrate multiple technologies for a more connected and versatile riding experience.

Helmet intercom systems offer a range of benefits that enhance communication, safety, convenience, and entertainment while riding. Installing an intercom in your motorcycle helmet can transform your riding experience, making it more enjoyable, connected, and secure.

How Do Helmet Intercoms Work?

Helmet intercoms allow motorcycle riders to communicate with each other and stay connected while on the road. These devices work using Bluetooth technology, which enables wireless communication between the rider’s helmet and other compatible devices, such as smartphones, GPS systems, or additional intercom units.

Here is a breakdown of how helmet intercoms work:

  • Bluetooth pairing: Before using the intercom system, the rider must pair it with their smartphone or other devices. So, this can typically be done through a simple pairing process indicated in the device’s user manual.
  • Communication range: Helmet intercoms have a limited communication range, usually up to several hundred meters, depending on the model. Both riders need to be within this range to establish a connection.
  • Intercom unit: Each rider wears an intercom unit, usually attached to the inside of their helmet. The intercom device consists of a speaker and a microphone, allowing for clear communication between riders.
  • Voice activation: Many helmet intercoms feature voice activation, enabling riders to make calls, play music, or control other functions hands-free. This feature ensures that riders can maintain focus on the road without the distractions of manually operating their devices.
  • Noise cancellation: To counter the ambient noise of the motorcycle engine and wind, helmet intercoms often come equipped with noise cancellation technology. This helps to improve audio quality and ensure clear communication even in noisy environments.
  • External connectivity: In addition to rider-to-rider communication, helmet intercoms can also connect to external devices. This includes smartphones, GPS systems, or music players, allowing riders to make calls, listen to music, or receive turn-by-turn directions while riding.
  • Software updates: Like any electronic device, helmet intercoms may receive firmware updates to improve functionality, security, or compatibility with new devices. Regularly checking for updates and installing them when available will help ensure the device is always up to date.

Helmet intercoms enhance the riding experience by enabling wireless communication and connectivity while on the road. Their Bluetooth technology, noise cancellation features, and external device connectivity make them a valuable accessory for motorcycle riders seeking to stay connected and communicate easily with others.

Sum Up

Installing an intercom in your motorcycle helmet can significantly enhance your riding experience. With a few simple steps, you can enjoy more precise communication with your fellow riders, listen to music, and even make hands-free phone calls while on the road.

Firstly, choose an intercom system that suits your needs and helmet type. Next, carefully follow the manufacturer’s instructions for installation, ensuring that all the components are securely attached. Make sure the speakers are positioned correctly so you can hear clearly without any discomfort.

Finally, test the intercom to ensure it functions properly before hitting the road. By taking the time to install an intercom in your motorcycle helmet, you can stay connected while staying safe. So go ahead, embrace the technology and enjoy a more connected and enjoyable ride.

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