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How To Put On A Motorcycle Helmet? 5 Easy Steps

How To Put On A Motorcycle Helmet

Motorcycle riding can be thrilling, but safety is paramount. Don’t ignore the risks. Wearing a helmet is a must. It shields your head in accidents. Knowing how to put on a motorcycle helmet properly is vital.

To put on a helmet, loosen the straps, place it on, adjust the chin strap, and secure extras. Yet, it’s not like any cap. It must fit well and guard effectively.

This blog post will walk you through correctly putting on a motorbike helmet. I will go through everything from selecting the correct size and kind of helmet to adequately securing the chin strap.

Following the procedures below, you can ensure your helmet protects you while riding your motorbike. 

How To Put On A Motorcycle Helmet? Step-By-Step Guide

wearing motorcycle Helmet

Putting on a motorcycle helmet correctly is crucial for your safety while riding. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you put on a motorcycle helmet properly:

Step 1: Select The Appropriate Helmet Size

The first step in putting on a motorcycle helmet is ensuring it is the correct size. The helmet may not provide adequate protection and may be uncomfortable if it is too small.

An overly large helmet may fall off in an accident if it doesn’t stay in place. Consult the manufacturer’s size chart after measuring your head’s circumference with a sellotape measure.

Step 2: Prepare Yourself

Before you put on the helmet, ensure that your hair is properly tucked in and any loose clothing is adjusted. If you wear glasses, make sure they are securely positioned.

Step 3: Secure The Helmet Around Your Head

Begin by putting the helmet on your head, front facing forward. Check that the bottom of the helmet rests on your forehead and that the back of the helmet touches the nape of your neck.

Step 4: Put The Chin Strap On

Once the helmet is in place, the chin strap should be fastened. The chin strap should be comfy but not too tight. And it should also be comfortable. Once the chin strap is fastened, gently tug it to ensure it is secure.

Step 5: Tighten The Straps

The final step is to tighten the straps so the helmet fits snugly. Put on your helmet and adjust the straps to be snug but not too tight. Afterwards, you can adjust the straps at the back of your head until comfortable.

That’s all about how to put on a motorcycle helmet. Following these steps, your motorcycle helmet will fit properly and provide adequate protection.

Remember that wearing a helmet is the safest way to ride a motorbike. So, before every ride, put on your helmet.

Additional Tips For Putting Helmet Properly

For safety, it’s vital to ensure a motorcycle helmet fits right when wearing it. Here are some tips:

  1. The helmet should fit your head tightly and not move around.
  2. You shouldn’t be able to fit your fingers between the inside of the helmet and your forehead.
  3. The cheek pads should touch your cheeks without putting too much pressure on them.
  4. The helmet should cover your brow and the rear of your head and not tip forward or backward.
  5. Adjust the chin strap to fit snugly but isn’t too tight.

How To Put On And Take Off A Motorcycle Helmet

To put on a motorcycle helmet, hold it with both hands, align the chin with the helmet’s opening, and slide it on. Fasten the chin strap snugly. To remove, unbuckle the strap, grasp the helmet sides, and lift off the chin first.

For visual guidance, watch a tutorial video like “How to Put On and Take Off a Motorcycle Helmet”

What Is The Importance Of Putting On A Motorcycle Helmet? 

Putting on a motorcycle helmet is essential to wear a helmet when riding a motorbike for several reasons. Like:


If your helmet fits right, it can keep your head and brain safe in case of an accident. Helmets are made to absorb the force of a crash so that head injuries don’t happen or aren’t as bad as they could be.

But if a helmet isn’t worn right, it might not protect the rider well enough, and the rider could get hurt or even die.


A helmet that fits well will be more comfortable than one that is too big or too small. It won’t move or shift while you’re riding, which can be annoying and uncomfortable. A helmet that fits right will also let air flow through it, keeping you from getting too hot.

Reduces The Risk Of Death

In a crash, wearing a helmet can reduce the chance of dying. Studies have shown that motorcycle riders who don’t wear helmets are likelier to die from injuries than those who do.

Improves Visibility

Many motorcycle helmets are equipped with visors that can help to reduce glare and improve visibility, especially in bright sunlight or bad weather conditions.

Keeps You Legal

In many countries, motorcycle riders have to wear helmets. Getting caught without one could cost you exemplary or other legal problems.

Noise Reduction

If your helmet fits well, it will reduce wind noise and other distractions so you can focus on riding safely.

Overall, wearing a motorcycle helmet is a simple but essential safety measure that can help protect you from severe injuries and even save your life if you are in a crash.

Should A Motorcycle Helmet Be Hard To Put On?

Should A Motorcycle Helmet Be Hard To Put On

A motorcycle helmet should fit snugly on the head and offer enough protection in case of an accident, but it shouldn’t be so tight that it’s uncomfortable or hard to put on.

The helmet should fit snugly enough to stay in place if you get hit but not so tight that it hurts, gives you headaches, or cuts off blood flow to the head.

Use the size chart from the manufacturer when trying on a helmet to ensure it fits right.

Different brands and models of helmets may fit differently, so you need to try on a few to find one that fits well and keeps you safe.

Putting on the helmet might take a little work, but it shouldn’t be too hard or require too much force.

In short, a motorcycle helmet should fit snugly and securely on the head, but it shouldn’t be so tight that it’s uncomfortable or hard to put on.

What Safety Precautions Should I Take When Putting On A Motorcycle Helmet?

Wearing a helmet is essential for motorcycle riders because it protects the rider’s head in the event of an accident.

However, it is critical to put on the helmet to ensure adequate protection properly. Already you know how to put on a motorcycle helmet.

Yet, when putting on a motorcycle helmet, take the following precautions:

  • Examine the helmet’s condition: Before putting it on, look for any cracks or damage to the shell or visor. A damaged helmet may not provide adequate protection and should be replaced immediately.
  • Check that the helmet fits correctly: If you wear a helmet that’s too loose or too tight, you might feel uncomfortable and won’t be adequately protected if you get into an accident. Check for any pressure points or discomfort, and ensure the helmet fits snugly and securely but not too tightly.
  • Fasten the chinstrap securely: Make sure the chinstrap is snug but not too tight. The chinstrap should be snug under your chin and not restrict your breathing or movement.
  • Adjust the visor: Check that the visor is properly adjusted to provide clear vision and protection from the sun, wind, and rain. Check that it is securely fastened and does not obstruct your vision.
  • Avoid wearing anything under the helmet: Wearing anything under the helmet, such as a cap or glasses, can affect the fit and comfort of the helmet, compromising your safety.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions: When putting on a motorcycle helmet, always follow the manufacturer’s instructions, including how to adjust the fit, fasten the chinstrap, and use the visor.

By following these precautions when putting on a motorcycle helmet, you can ensure that it fits correctly, provides adequate protection, and keeps you safe while riding.

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Putting On A Motorcycle Helmet

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Putting On A Motorcycle Helmet

Wearing a helmet is a crucial aspect of motorcycle safety, and it is vital to do it right to ensure maximum protection.

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when putting on a motorcycle helmet:

  1. Size Mishap: Choose a helmet that fits snugly, neither too loose nor tight.
  2. Positioning Glitch: Position the helmet with the top edge above the eyebrows and covering the back of the head, ensuring clear vision.
  3. Chin Strap Oversight: Fasten the chin strap securely, maintaining tension to prevent movement.
  4. Loose Straps: Adjust and tighten all straps for optimal fit and protection.
  5. Helmet Mismatch: Select the right helmet type for your riding style—full-face, open-face, or modular.
  6. Safety Certification Neglect: Choose helmets certified by DOT, ECE, or Snell to ensure safety standards compliance.
  7. Damaged Helmet Use: Replace helmets with visible damage, even if seemingly minor.
  8. Maintenance Negligence: Keep helmets clean, and store them in suitable conditions away from sunlight.
  9. Improper Removal: Unfasten the chin strap before removing the helmet to prevent discomfort or injury.
  10. Helmet Age Ignorance: Replace helmets every 3 to 5 years, irrespective of crashes, due to material wear and tear.

Following these guidelines ensures your helmet’s optimal performance for a safer ride.

Is It Better To Have A Tight Or Loose Helmet?

Is It Better To Have A Tight Or Loose Helmet

When it comes to helmets, a sturdy or tight fit is usually better than a loose fit. A well-fitted helmet should wrap around your head tightly, with no gaps between your head and the padding. This ensures the helmet will protect you as much as possible if you get hit.

If a helmet is too loose, it may move around on your head while you’re doing something, making it less likely to protect your head. It can also make you feel bad and take your mind off what you’re doing.

On the other hand, a too-tight helmet can make you uncomfortable, give you headaches, and even cut off blood flow to your head.

To ensure the helmet fits right, you should measure the size of your head and compare it to the manufacturer’s sizing chart for the model you want. You should also put the helmet on to ensure it fits right and adjust the straps and padding as necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions With Answers

How do I wear a motorcycle helmet with a full-face shield?

First, open the face shield and ensure it is clean and scratch-free. Then, place the helmet over your head and pull the chin strap down to fasten it securely. Finally, lower the face shield and make sure it snaps into place.

Is There A Proper Way To Remove The Helmet?

To take off the helmet, unfasten the chin strap first. Hold the helmet’s sides, then lift it gently and slide it off your head.

What If My Helmet Is Difficult To Put On or Remove?

If you’re struggling to put on or remove your helmet, it might not be the right size or shape for your head. Consult with professionals at a motorcycle gear store to find a better-fitting helmet.

Can I wear glasses with a motorcycle helmet?

Yes, many helmets are designed to accommodate glasses. Look for helmets with enough space around the temples and ears to accommodate the arms of your glasses. (For more details, read- Can You Wear Glasses With A Motorcycle Helmet?)

Where To Put Motorcycle Helmet?

You should place your motorcycle helmet on a flat, stable surface when not in use, preferably on a shelf or hook designed for helmets. Avoid hanging it from the mirrors or handlebars, as this could damage the helmet’s integrity and shape. Proper storage helps maintain its safety and condition.

How do I care for my motorcycle helmet?

To care for your motorcycle helmet, wipe it down with a clean, damp cloth after each ride to remove dirt and sweat. If the helmet becomes dirty, you can wash the exterior with mild soap and water. Do not use solvents or harsh chemicals. Also, avoid dropping your helmet or exposing it to extreme heat or cold.

Final Words

Putting on a motorcycle helmet correctly is vital for the rider’s safety. It may seem like a simple task, but you have to pay close attention to ensure the helmet fits well and will protect you in case of an accident.

By adjusting the chinstrap and making sure the helmet covers the forehead, as described in this guide, you can ensure the helmet is safe and effective at preventing head injuries.

I hope you enjoy the article about how to put on a motorcycle helmet. Remember, a helmet must be worn when riding a motorcycle, so always keep safety in mind.

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