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How to Clean Full Face Helmet? Pro Cleaning Tips For Clear View

How to Clean Full Face Helmet

Full-face helmets protect riders from numerous external factors, but they can gather sweat, dirt, and grime over time. Regular and appropriate cleaning is necessary to maintain hygiene, enhance the helmet’s lifespan, and ensure optimal safety. So, knowing how to clean full face helmet is vital.

In short, first, remove any detachable parts like the visor and padding to clean a full-face helmet. Use gentle soap and lukewarm water to clean the exterior shell and visor. Hand-wash the padding with mild detergent for the interior, then air-dry all parts before reassembling the helmet.

In this article, I’ll discuss how to clean your helmet using basic tools and supplies you may have around your home. Read on to learn how to give your helmet a deep clean and get it smelling fresh again.

Importance Of Cleaning Your Full-Face Helmet

Importance Of Cleaning Your Full-Face Helmet
Importance Of Cleaning Your Full-Face Helmet

Your full-face helmet goes through a lot while you’re out riding. Over time, sweat, oil, dust, and other debris can accumulate inside the helmet, which, if left uncleaned, can prove hazardous.

Here is why cleaning your helmet should be an integral part of your routine maintenance:

  • Dirt can accumulate on the visor, obstructing your visibility and increasing the risk of accidents while you ride. A clean helmet ensures optimal visibility.
  • Sweat and oil can cause the foam padding inside the helmet to break down, which can impact the helmet’s structural integrity. But cleaning can prevent this, preserving the helmet’s structural integrity.
  • Bacteria and germs can build up inside the helmet, leading to unpleasant odors and skin infections. Regular cleaning prevents this, ensuring the helmet is safe and hygienic to wear.
  • A dirty or smelly helmet can put off new riding buddies and be a source of embarrassment. A clean helmet is more comfortable.
  • A clean helmet will increase its lifespan and reduce the need for a costly replacement.

Keeping your full-face helmet clean is crucial for your safety and riding experience. However, I know that you may be thinking, what are the differences between Modular Motorcycle Helmets Vs Full Face Hemet? You can more know details about Modular Motorcycle Helmets Vs Full Face.

How to Clean Full Face Helmet? Step-By-Step Guide

Cleaning your full-face helmet
Cleaning your full-face helmet

Cleaning your full-face helmet after a long and sweaty ride is an essential task that every biker should know. It is essential for both comfort and hygiene.

Here’s a simple guide:

What You’ll Need:

Before cleaning your full-face helmet, you must gather a few supplies. Here are the materials needed to clean a full-face helmet

  1. Baby shampoo or gentle soap (without harsh chemicals).
  2. Microfiber cloths.
  3. Warm water.
  4. Soft towel.
  5. Air blower, if available.
  6. Cotton swabs (optional for hard-to-reach areas).


Here is a step-by-step guide that can assist you in cleaning your full-face helmet efficiently.

Step 1: Disassembling Your Helmet

The first step is disassembling the helmet by removing all detachable parts, such as the visor, liner, and cheek pads. Place each part separately on a clean, flat surface to avoid damage.

Step 2: Clean The Helmet Exterior

When cleaning the helmet exterior, begin by wiping the exterior with a damp microfiber cloth. Next, use a helmet cleaner or mild soap solution to clean dirt, grime, and bugs from the helmet exterior.

Make sure you avoid hard scrubbing or using abrasive materials that can scratch the helmet’s surface and damage its finish.

To remove stubborn stains, allow the cleaner to sit on the helmet for a few minutes before wiping it off with a damp cloth. Then dry the helmet exterior with a dry microfiber cloth.

Step 3: Clean The Helmet Interior

The helmet’s interior area accumulates significant sweat, oil, and grime over time, making it crucial to clean the interior thoroughly. The liner and cheek pads are washable unless the helmet manual says otherwise.

Start by removing the dirt and debris from each padding using a soft-bristled brush. Next, use a mild shampoo mixed with water to wash the liners and cheek pads.

Gently rub and rinse each padding thoroughly with warm water until the shampoo is gone.

Leave the pads and liner to dry in an airy place. Avoid using a hairdryer or heat to dry the interior parts as this may affect their shape.

Step 4: Wash The Helmet Visor

Cleaning the visor is an integral part of helmet maintenance. Remove the visor and wipe the outside with a microfiber cloth. Do not use any chemicals to clean the visor.

To remove any dirt or bug residue that is not removed by wiping, soak the visor in warm water for a minute and repeat the wiping process. Never use hot water or a hairdryer to dry the visor.

For more clear concept, you can also read- How to Protect Helmet Visor from Scratch?

Step 5: Reassembling The Helmet

After ensuring that all parts are entirely clean and dry, it’s time to re-assemble the helmet. Begin by inserting the cheek pads and liner back into their respective locations. Ensure they are well-fitted and secure.

Next, attach the visor, ensuring that it locks on securely. Finally, reattach any other removable parts that were removed earlier. Ensure everything is put back correctly and the helmet is properly working.

Cleaning your full-face helmet regularly is essential for maintaining its performance, longevity, and hygiene. Follow these easy steps, and you’ll have a fresh bike helmet ready for the next ride.

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Tips For Long-Term Helmet Maintenance

Keeping your full-face helmet clean is crucial for its longevity, ensuring it remains safe and functional for those all-important motorcycle rides. Regular cleaning is a must, but so is proper long-term maintenance.

Here, I’ll discuss some tips and tricks for maintaining your full-face helmet for the long haul.

  1. Clean your helmet thoroughly every three to six months or more often if you use it daily or in dusty conditions.
  2. After each use, wipe down the exterior with a microfiber cloth to remove bugs, dust, and grime.
  3. Use a damp cloth to clean the interior and remove sweat and skin oils after rides.
  4. Regularly clean vents using a can of compressed air to maintain optimal air circulation.
  5. Clean the face shield with a soft cloth and non-abrasive cleaner regularly, replacing it if you notice any scratches impairing visibility.
  6. Store your helmet in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight when not in use. Consider using a helmet bag to keep it dust-free.
  7. Avoid harsh chemicals or petroleum-based products on your helmet, as they can degrade the materials and reduce their protective properties.
  8. Inspect your helmet regularly for signs of wear and tear. Replace as necessary.
2 Ways To Clean Your Motorcycle Helmet

You already know the proper way to clean your full-face helmet with our step-by-step guide. I highly recommend watching the comprehensive video tutorial for a more detailed visual understanding. Enjoy safer, cleaner rides.

How Long Does A Full-Face Helmet Last?

The lifespan of a full-face helmet can vary depending on several factors, including the quality of the helmet, how well it’s cared for, and how often it’s used.

Most manufacturers recommend replacing a helmet every 5 years, even if it appears in good condition.

This is because the materials used in helmets, such as the foam liner and the outer shell, can degrade over time due to factors like exposure to sunlight, sweat, and temperature fluctuations.

Additionally, if a helmet has been involved in a significant impact or crash, it should be replaced immediately, even if there is no visible damage.

Helmets are designed to absorb the force of an impact and may not provide the same level of protection after being subjected to one.

Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the helmet’s interior padding and shell, storing it in a cool and dry place, and avoiding dropping or mishandling it, can help extend its lifespan.

Always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for maintenance and replacement to ensure your safety while using the helmet.

For more details, you can also read When to Replace Motorcycle Helmet?

Frequently Asked Questions With Answers

How Often Should I Clean My Full-Face Helmet?

You should clean the exterior of your full-face helmet every time it gets dirty or at least once a month. The interior, which tends to accumulate sweat and skin oils, should ideally be cleaned more frequently, around every two weeks or after long rides.

The visor should be cleaned after each ride to maintain clear visibility. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and maintaining your helmet.

Can I Use A Washing Machine To Wash My Full-Face Helmet?

No, you should not use a washing machine to clean your full-face helmet. The agitation and heat from a washing machine can damage the delicate materials of the helmet, including its foam lining, which is crucial for absorbing impact.

Instead, it’s recommended to hand-wash the removable inner lining and padding with mild soap and warm water.

Can I Use A Hairdryer To Dry My Full-Face Helmet?

Using a hairdryer to dry a full-face helmet isn’t recommended as the heat can damage the foam lining, affecting safety. Instead, air dry your helmet naturally in a well-ventilated area, away from sunlight and heat. This preserves its protective qualities.

Sum Up

First, knowing how to clean a full-face helmet is essential. It helps to keep your helmet looking good and healthy. Regular cleaning will make your helmet last longer and your rides more comfortable. If you don’t clean your helmet, it might get germs, especially in hot, humid weather.

To clean your helmet, follow the above-mentioned steps. Don’t use harsh chemicals or rough materials. They can damage your helmet. Remember, your helmet protects you when you are on the road.

Cleaning your helmet regularly helps it work better and look better. This can make your ride safer, more comfortable, and more stylish. So, if you keep your helmet clean, you will enjoy safe and long rides.

Lastly, I invite you to read my other content. By reading that, you will read how to clean your motorcycle helmet (If you have another type of helmet).

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